Hey! My name is Caitie and welcome to my City Melody.
I'm a young twenty something - well I consider anything under 25 still a young twenty something so we'll go with that - living in New York City. Since moving to this one of a kind, fabulous, Citayy I've been looking for a way to stay inspired/busy on a budget. With so much to do in New York the inspiration part has been relatively easy but the budget part has well been proving a tad bit more difficult. However, it's really made me explore all of the different options New York has to offer and so far it's been a blast.
With all of that being said, I've been searching to find a way to share these experiences and fun times with others, and what better way than a blog. I've always been a fan of writing, thus the Journalism degree, so I figured this could combine two of my loves: Words & New York. I hope you enjoy following my life through the streets of NYC & seeing where this crazy path takes me.
If you have any questions, suggestions and so forth concerning me and good times let me know! I'd love to hear what others think of this place and things there are to do! You can reach me at: